Hello, new friend!

I was in third grade when I fell irreversibly in love with writing. I remember the specific week - in Language Arts, we read a segment from Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass,” and I discovered “Canadian Idiot” by Weird Al. This cocktail kickstarted my obsession with words - I began to weave parody songs into skits for my friends and family, making my own wigs (never a phrase you want to hear) and trying to impersonate voices via YouTube tutorials (a lot of Vincent Price). With my heart opened to words, it was open to everything - TV, books, movies, poetry, crosswords, riddles, commercials, cereal box rhetoric. Writing became my favorite thing on earth very quickly.

After graduating from the University of Toronto (Ah ha! she is Canadian!) in 2020 (English and Film, because Lorne Michaels), I began my journey in UCLA’s Screenwriting MFA program as a comedy writer. Outside of my UCLA writing, I nurtured my zest for late-night writing, sharpening my skillset in writing jokes, monologues, desk pieces, bit pitches, and late-night sketches. In addition, I have a deep passion for sketch comedy (both live and taped), and am constantly writing new ideas. One of my favorite things about comedy writing is the surrender to being a perpetual student - nothing excites me more than this lifelong learning aspect of my dream career. 

Outside of writing, I am a Second City improv girlie. I also juggle. This has not afforded me many opportunities yet, but I’m holding out hope. And hey - if not juggling, I also play the melodica, which The New York Times called the “number one trait every hiring manager looks for” in 2015. There is no need to look this up, because it is true.

Throughout my MFA, I immersed myself in all facets of the entertainment world. I currently freelance pitch deck/series bible development. Previously, I interned at Hello Sunshine, where I aided the Kids and Animation Development department. During my time at Hello Sunshine, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to pitch story for, write, and help shoot an internal script for Reese Witherspoon, and write and co-perform an award-show style monologue for the entire company, which makes my heart flutter whenever I think about it.

As a new graduate, my goal is to become a writer’s assistant or staff writer on a half-hour comedy or a late-night show. My dream for my career span across comedy - to be a half-hour showrunner, a late-night head writer, and my biggie - to be a writer on SNL (by typing it here, I’m trying to manifest it, as the kids say). I want to do everything, and therefore, learn everything. Overall, nothing is more invigorating to me than the collaborative aspect of comedy TV, and finding the best creative solution together as a team. 

I think that knowing where people’s inspiration lies is crucial to understanding what’s under their garage door. My comedy heroes include, but are not limited to: Tina Fey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Conan O’Brien, Amy Poehler, John Mulaney, Nick Kroll, Bill Hader, Fred Armisen, Andy Samberg, Steve Martin, Martin Short, Mary Tyler Moore, Stephen Colbert, Gilda Radner, and Chris Fleming. My writing has an eye for - and affection for - all things absurd, silly, and meaningful - the space where the Venn diagram becomes one weird little circle.

I’ve been introduced many different ways in my life…

Aspiring Village Idiot

Vin Diesel’s cosmic successor

Limerick Leslie

A woman who only travels where the golden buzzer on American Idol sends her 

That Jeopardy contestant who knew a little too much about Count Chocola’s family tree

PBS presents, “Kid Rook”

Gru’s tallest minion


John Steinbeck’s youngest fan

Shrew tamer, ordained online

The titular star of “Young Sheldon”

Folders Coffee commercial background singer who really gave her all

Rambunctious scallawag

Shirley Temple Impersonator (text only)

The Eagle from “The Eagles” 

Soon-to-be woman-in-maxi-skirt

“Wait, you didn’t do high school theatre?”

Girl who “would’ve caught that stupid whale in Moby Dick a little faster” 


This incredible and perfect song parody is the first entry of my third grade comedy notebook. I’m including it to prove that my writing has gotten much better, but somehow, will never be good enough to warrant rhyming “Pepto Bismol” and “off the chizzle” again.

“And now, the woman who can’t not indulge in a false not-double negative…Kylie!”

Ebenezer Scrooge, like, halfway through the acid trip

“There she is! There’s that girl who put Gangnam Style on the bar’s touch-screen jukebox!” *screams that turn to foaming at the mouth*

That lady who set up a GoFundMe to give The Monster Mash the “Citizen Kane treatment”

Background grandparent in Willie Wonka bed

Gonzo, if they gave him a sink bath 

“Blundstone Bessie”